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[娱乐圈]我成了世界巨星 (糖欣蛋)

  [今天是什么好日子,居然让我等double min嗑到了粮???]
  My name is Kim Namjoon also known as RM the leader of the group BTS. It is an incredible honor to be invited to an occasion with such significance for today’s young generation.
  Last November, BTS launched the Love Myself campaign with UNICEF built on the belief that true love first begins with loving yourself. We've been partnering with UNICEF’s End Violence program to protect young people all over the world from violence. And our fans have become a major part of this campaign with their actions and their enthusia□□. We truly have the best fans in the world。
  去年11月,BTS与UNICEF基于“真正的爱源于自爱”这一信念,发起了 Love Myself 系列活动。我们加入UNICEF的“ End Violence”项目,旨在保护全球儿童和青年免遭暴力伤害。我们的粉丝ARMY用他/她们的热情与行动成为这个活动的重要部分。我们的确拥有着全世界最棒的粉丝。
  And I'd like to begin by talking about myself. I was born in Ilsan, a city near Seoul, South Korea. It is a really beautiful place with a lake, hills, and even an annual flower festival. I spent a very happy childhood there and I was just an ordinary boy. I used to look up at the night sky and wonder and I used to dream the dreams of a boy. I used to imagine that I was a superhero who could save the world.
  And in an intro to one of our early albums, there's a line that says, "My heart stopped when I was maybe 9 or 10." Looking back, I think that's when I began to worry about what other people thought of me and started seeing myself through their eyes. I stopped looking up at the night skies, the stars. I stopped daydreaming. Instead, I just tried to jam myself into the molds other people made.
  Soon I began to shut out my own voice and started to listen to the voices of others. No one called out my name, and neither did I. My heart stopped and my eyes closed shut.So, like this, I, we, all lost our names. We became like ghosts. But I had one sanctuary and that was music. There was a □□all voice inside of me that said, "Wake up, man, and listen to yourself." But it took me quite a long time to hear music calling my real name. Even after making the decision to join BTS, there were a lot of hurdles. Some people might not believe but most people thought we were hopeless and sometimes I just wanted to quit.But I think I was very lucky that I didn't give it all up.
  And I'm sure that I and we will keep stumbling and falling like this. BTS has become artists performing in those huge stadiums and selling millions of albums right now, but I am still an ordinary 24 year old guy. If there is anything that I've achieved, it was only possible that I have my other BTS members right by my side and because of the love and support that our ARMY fans all over the world made for us.
  我确信,我和我们都会一直像这样挣扎摔倒跌跌撞撞走着。虽然现在BTS已经成为了能在巨大的竞技场是哪个开演唱会,专辑销量上百万的艺术家,但是我依旧是一个平凡的24岁的男人。如果说我达到了哪些成就,之所以取得这些成就都只可能是因为有我的BTS的成员陪在我左右,以及来自世界各地的粉丝 ARMY对我们的爱与支持。
  And maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but yesterday's me is still me. Today I am who I am with all of my faults and my mistakes. Tomorrow I might be a tiny bit wiser and that would be me too. These faults and mistakes are what I am, making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life.I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.
  I'd like to say the one last thing. After releasing our Love Yourself albums and launching the Love Myself campaign, we started to hear remarkable stories from our fans all over the world how our message helped them overcome their hardships in life and start loving themselves. Those stories constantly remind us of our responsibilities
  我想说的最后一件事是,在发行《LOVE YOURSELF》专辑,启动【LOVE YOURSELF】活动后,我们开始听到来自世界各地的粉丝非凡的故事,我们的信息是如何帮助他们克服人生中的苦难,并开始学会爱自己的。这些故事不断地提醒我们自己肩负的责任。

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